Bye bye summer…. with the last peach cake

Es ist soweit, der Sommer ist fast vorbei. Obwohl er dieses Jahr irgendwie an mir vorbei gerannt ist und ich ihn gar nicht richtig genießen konnte. Um so wichtiger ist es, dass man am Ende des Sommers nocheinmal den puren Sommer schmecken kann. Und da ich ein rießen Fan von Bergpfirsichen bin, gibt es heute einen Bergpfirsich-Mousse-Törtchen.Kuchen_pfirsich_6Bergpfirsich-Mousse-Törtchen

für eine Springform mit 18-20 cm Durchmesser


Veagan Tarte with Nectarine

Tarte_2This weekend I ‚m always in cake mood . Unfortunately, the last weekend was very stressful and I did not have much time . But if you want to eat cake and have no time, then there must be a faster (and just also) delicious cake as usual. The cake was super fast and was great too quickly.

Spa at Home

lush-haulThe last weeks were always full of appointments and deadlines. So I decided for a relaxing and quiet weekend. Just looking to be at home, have a little time for myself and take a relaxing bath (I love that). This is more than perfect for my right now. I was often not at home (during the week to work, going out with friends, visited the family: the list is endless). Of course it is great with the people around you you love. But sometimes you need a pause with yourself. That’s why I’ve been looking forward for this weekend. Weiterlesen